Trifocal IOLs

Instead of a monofocal intraocular lens (IOL), which typically only restores your distance vision, you can choose to have a trifocal solution that gives you the opportunity to increase your independence from wearing glasses for the majority of everyday activities requiring near, intermediate and distance vision. 


Rayner’s RayOne Trifocal is one of the most advanced intraocular lenses available today, using patented optics that give you the opportunity to increase your independence from wearing glasses.


RayOne Trifocal uses diffractive step technology made up of 16 rings that split the incoming light to provide near, intermediate and distance vision.


The advanced optics transmit 89% of available light to the retina.


Not everyone is suitable for a trifocal lens and your surgeon will assess your suitability based on your eye health, personality and lifestyle. If you or your surgeon have any concerns about trifocality then you could consider the Sulcoflex Trifocal DUET procedure. 

If you have some astigmatism in your eye, then your surgeon may be able to correct this at the same time with RayOne Trifocal Toric.

What can I see clearly with a trifocal lens?

Vision before cataract surgery

Expected vision before cataract surgery

No glasses needed after cataract surgery

With a trifocal lens implanted you will have clear vision for distance, intermediate and near activities. You will experience lower contrast than that provided by a monofocal IOL, as well as some visual disturbances that reduce over time.

Side effects and complications to cataract surgery are rare. Some of the visual compromises that have been associated with the implantation of trifocal intraocular lenses are:


  • Lower contrast than that provided by a monofocal IOL
  • Halos and glare when driving at night
  • Visual disturbances including halos and glares, which decrease with time (neuroadaptation).


As with all surgical procedures, the outcomes for a trifocal intraocular lens cannot be guaranteed. It is important to be aware of possible effects on vision after surgery. Please discuss possible risks and side effects with your eye surgeon. Not all patients are suitable for this type of intraocular lens. Your surgeon at the time of consultation will indicate whether this type of lens is suitable for you.

Rayner is a British company that is focused on providing the best visual outcomes for patients since 1910.